One of the most notable features was the ability to handle databases with millions of hands without terrible slowdowns. It immediately captured significant market share from its main preexisting rival, PokerTracker 2. Holdem Manager's first incarnation was released in January 2008 after more than half a year of private and public betas.
#Holdem manager 2 tutorial pokerstars download
If you're an Omaha player, then there's a separate download for you although you may wish to spring for the combination Hold'em + Omaha package. Actually, there's a special, lower-priced version that allows you to import hands from $50nl and below, $0.50/$1.00 LHE and below, and tournaments with buyins of $22 or less.
#Holdem manager 2 tutorial pokerstars software
Even for micro-stakes poker fans, the cost of the software should be more than recouped within a few months in the form of an increased winrate. For higher-stakes players, it represents less than a buyin.

Some people balk at paying for HEM2, but really, the investment should pay for itself many times over. Edges are pretty thin in online poker these days, and so you're really doing yourself a disservice if you fall behind the curve compared to what the other players are doing. Yet, if you play at a room that allows HUDs but you opt not to employ one, then you might find yourself at a distinct disadvantage against your adversaries. Now, there are a few sites that eschew the use of such programs and prohibit them in their terms of use. It even records all your play so that you can keep detailed information on your monetary results (very useful when tax time rolls around) and gain insight into possible leaks in your own game. This heads up display and tracking tool lets you get a handle on your competitors' tendencies and playing styles while grinding poker tables over the internet.

Online poker can be a difficult beast because you cannot get tells or observe opponents' behavior patterns like you could in a brick-and-mortar cardroom, but Holdem Manager 2 (HEM2) can help you out.